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Welcome to My Eternal Wisdom

Ha! Fasten your seatbelts! Here's the Blog that will allow me to express stuff that I think will serve you and fulfill my need to appear all wise and knowledgeable. I'm a blank book to many of you so here's a way for you to get to know me or topics I'm interested in (that might serve) or stuff I think would be useful for you to know. So scroll past the cool picture of the blank book metaphor and read on!

Ask Me a Question!

Every day, I get so many questions from patients regarding their life situation. It's always tricky to know whether to offer my advice, a story or my own experience as the conversation may become about me instead of my patient. I'm committed to practicing (not always perfecting) making certain that my patients know they are the center of attention in my treatment room. Sometimes, it's important to tell a personal story that teaches a lesson to demonstrate that I both understand and that I have experience that may offer a way through. Of course, if you know me and my sense of humor, I'll also just plow on through with the wisest answer I can conjure and prove to you that I know all! HAHAHA! So here, you can ask away and I'll impart to you whatever you'd like to know or open it up to others. Don't get too personal or share identifying information.

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