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Marie became a full-time artist at the age of 62 after being a healing arts professional for several decades. Her practice as a Five Element Acupuncturist informs her art as both are based in elements of nature and the cycles of seasons.
Marie's meditation practice is the foundation of her creative endeavors. She calls her work "Contemplative Art" as her process emerges from silence, meditation and prayer. Her artistic intention is to encourage viewers to find stillness within.
"I am inspired by geometric patterns found in nature. I've often used them in my council to patients over the years. For example, I would encourage my patients to find stillness in order to find power in the chaos of their lives. The eye of the storm is the quietest place. If you become the still center, then everything simply swirls around you. But it is you who determines the direction of the winds."
As a child, Marie spent many hours drawing, painting, making things, playing musical instruments. Her creativity kept her centered when her world felt chaotic. When asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, Marie would always say, "An artist!" To her, art is a practice of being curious, looking closely at things, seeing from all angles, figuring out how things work or what makes them look that way, conjuring new ideas and mostly allowing inspiration. Married to her spiritual practices, art becomes an expression of her relationship with the Divine.